Showing 6 Result(s)

Three reasons to see a Naturopath

Ever wondered what a Naturopath really is or what you can gain from seeing one? Below are three reasons why seeing a naturopath for 1:1 or group sessions is an investment into your health now and for years to come: To get more from your …

Be Your Own Valentine.

There has never been a better time to treat yourself with loving kindness. So instead of reaching out this valentine day, look inwards and honour your body, mind and spirit by acknowledging the life force within. Instead of choosing to follow the commercial holiday, why …

Stay Well This Christmas

It’s the time of year where we’re likely to overindulge. Clever marketing and Western traditions, coupled with drizzly days, spell out a recipe for bright lights, lazy nights and perhaps one too many brandy buttered mince pies! If you reside in the opposite hemisphere, you’re …

Iridology – A window into our body

Iridology is the study of the iris (the coloured bit around your pupil). As far back as the Ancient Egyptians, cultures from around the world have found a correlation between the appearance of the iris and certain constitutional and health traits. Hungarian medical doctor, Ignatz …

How to Combat Jet Lag Naturally

I think we can all agree that a major downer to travelling across the world is jet lag. There is nothing worse than arriving in a new city for a holiday or business to find you’re feeling absolutely shattered during the day and wide awake …


Spring Has Sprung

Spring has definitely sprung, and what a wonderful time of year it is! Long days, daffodils and sunshine certainly call for celebration but if you suffer from hay fever even the brightest of days can get you down. Hay fever can be more than just …