Showing 4 Result(s)

Three reasons to see a Naturopath

Ever wondered what a Naturopath really is or what you can gain from seeing one? Below are three reasons why seeing a naturopath for 1:1 or group sessions is an investment into your health now and for years to come: To get more from your …

IBS – Three Helpful Tips

We’ve all heard of Irritable Bowl Syndrome (aka IBS), and chances are we’ve either experienced it first hand or know someone who has. Technically speaking, IBS is defined as a functional motility disorder that is associated with bacterial overgrowth and visceral hypersensitivity. Food intolerances are …

The Link Between Autism & Food

Often with autism, we see concurrent digestive complaints such as constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, gas and discomfort. For many Autistic people, especially children, certain dietary tweaks not only bring gastrointestinal relief, but also improvements in other aspects of life. The following suggestions below are based on …

Iridology – A window into our body

Iridology is the study of the iris (the coloured bit around your pupil). As far back as the Ancient Egyptians, cultures from around the world have found a correlation between the appearance of the iris and certain constitutional and health traits. Hungarian medical doctor, Ignatz …